
My name is Viktor Radchenko. I’m a Software Developer, originally from Ukraine, currently living in Dubai.

I like to solve problems. During my career, I have been driven by my natural curiosity to find solutions to daily challenges. Whether it is team management, tracking time and budgets or negotiating with clients, I have been always able to critically assess situations and come up with a strategic solution.

My curiosity, together with strong analytical skills, inspires me to constantly look for new experiences. I have a broad background working in industries ranging from Restaurant Management to Real Estate Consulting and Healthcare. What helped me to succeed in project planning throughout the years? My leadership, practical skills in business development and aspiration to provide exceptional customer services and support.

On my career path, I have found myself trying different approaches to solving daily problems. “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”― J.R.R. Tolkien. I enjoy the challenge of uncertainty because it helps my personal and professional growth.

I was asked to sketch a website for the agency I was working at and, what seemed to be a mundane task on the list, piqued my curiosity. Tutorial after tutorial, line after line of code, I felt I was diving deeper into the exciting world of Software Development. A simple sketch turned into a fully functioning booking platform. Since then, I can’t stop building, testing and delivering applications. Bash scripts, web scraping engines, Twitter bots, Django web apps...

Software development ticks everything in the list of my passions and strengths. It incorporates critical thinking and problem solving, challenges organisational skills and opens the doors for unlimited creativity. It also helps me to look at things from a different perspective. If I were a client, what would I want to see if I click this button? Or, what if I entered some gibberish instead of proper email address? It helps to understand and anticipate client’s needs.

My tool belt currently consists of Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Flask, Django, PostgreSQL, Git/GitHub. I have started learning Node.js, React and NoSQL.

When I am not working, I like to travel with my lovely family and read books. I also love nature and teaching my son about it's importance for our sustainability.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Healthy mind is an inquisitive mind, right? Also, I will be happy to help with your project. I am passionate about discovering new tools and implementing exciting features in development and I can’t wait to join a passionate team of developers to make the dreams come true.